Wat anderen zeggen over SurveyCircle

4,9 van 5 sterren gebaseerd op 551 Google Reviews

I used survey circle for my dissertation. the team are so helpful as they help you create a post in order to advertise the questionnaire as well as posting it on their site. Such professional support!

SurveyCircle is a very helpful platform to recruit participants for your online surveys. The system of collecting points by participating in other people's studies in order to move up your own study... meer lezen 

SurveyCircle is a very good place for your data collection, especially if your survey is more than just a few multi-choice items. It takes a while to climb the ranking but you can rest assured that... meer lezen 

Survey Circle has helped me reach my participant goal! I would not have been able to reach as many individuals as I did without it. Would highly recommend to students!

SurveyCircle ist wirklich top. Es ist eine super Möglichkeit viele Studienteilnehmer für seine Umfrage zu gewinnen. Mit ein bisschen Aufwand kommt man im Ranking schnell nach oben und wird dann... meer lezen 

I conducted a survey on Survey Circle for my thesis. Feel grateful that we have such a nice and professional platform for survey sharing in academia. It helped my data collection easier than ever. I... meer lezen 

With some effort from your side you can get responses! I really find surveycircle a very useful tool based on mutual support!

SurveyCircle was a game changer for my survey! I needed a high amount of responses and only managed to get them because of it. It's a great collaboration model and the whole team is very supportive.... meer lezen 

Excellent service, reliable results!

Time consuming, but absolutely worth it Okay, it takes hours and days to collect enough points to get to the top of the rankings. But I learned a lot about how other students design surveys and I... meer lezen 

Great service! Would definitely recommend!

An excellent service for recruiting participants. The customer support is amazing - quick responses and always helpful. If you have research to do for university, SurveyCircle is a superb resource!

SurveyCircle is probably the best platform to find participants for your study. It runs on a very fair concept of give and take; the more you put in, the more you'll get out of it. I wasn't able to... meer lezen 

Fair system. Great results.

Great service -fair and transparent algorithm to ensure equivalence of contribution and receipt of participations

SurveyCircle has been a life saver for me. I am glad I stumbled upon it. I had been sending out emails to various different groups on LinkedIn and Facebook on my own for 2 months. Absolutely no one... meer lezen 

Awesome Tool for anyone trying to get a larger sample!

Great resource to get participants for a survey! I've used it on two occasions now. Keep up the great work

Survey Circle is an excellent site for finding participants for surveys. It’s a well thought out platform, easy to use and run very efficiently. Thank you, I could not have completed my project... meer lezen 

Bekijk 600+ reviews op Google en Facebook


De basisregels op SurveyCircle
#1: Vul alle vragenlijsten naar waarheid en gewetensvol in.
#2: Neem alleen deel aan onderzoeken als je aan de deelnamecriteria voldoet.
#3: Wissel Survey Codes alleen in als je ze hebt verkregen in overeenstemming met de regels.
#4: Verzilver Survey Codes direct na het invullen van een onderzoek.
#5: Beoordeel de kwaliteit van onderzoeken objectief en op een gedifferentieerde manier.
#6: Deel Survey Codes niet met anderen.
#7: Maak geen gebruik van meerdere gebruikersaccounts.
#8: Laat niemand jouw gebruikersaccount gebruiken om deel te nemen aan onderzoeken.
#9: Maak geen gebruik van regelovertredingen door anderen in jouw voordeel.
 01. maart 2025