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Find participants with SurveyCircle
How it works ➔ To get participants for your survey, you must first take part in surveys run by other SurveyCircle members.
Why is that? - Mutual support is the core principle of SurveyCircle. Only those who help others in the community can get help from the community in return.
Step-by-step guide:
1. Publish survey on SurveyCircle
2. Support others & receive participants:
Your survey is still in preparation?
No problem! You can also collect points before you post your study on SurveyCircle. The earlier you start collecting points, the better it is, because then your study will immediately be ranked higher in the Survey Ranking from day one.
Tip: Do you want to find participants faster? Then ask your friends, family members and colleagues if they would like to earn points for you as Research Enthusiasts.
- Click on Post a Survey and enter the details of your survey.
- Insert the Survey Code of your survey on the last page of your questionnaire. We'll provide you with the Survey Code as soon as you need it.
- Publish your survey in the Survey Ranking.
2. Support others & receive participants:
- Go to the Survey Ranking and participate in surveys. After each survey participation, redeem the Survey Code displayed on the last page of the questionnaire. This will earn you points for your participation (→ Video Tutorial)
- The more points you earn, the higher your survey will climb in the Survey Ranking.
- The higher your survey climbs in the survey ranking, the more attractive it becomes for potential participants - and the more people participate in it. The reason for the greater attractiveness: The better your survey is ranked in the Survey Ranking, the more points others receive for their participation (see the column Incentive Points in the Survey Ranking).
Your survey is still in preparation?
No problem! You can also collect points before you post your study on SurveyCircle. The earlier you start collecting points, the better it is, because then your study will immediately be ranked higher in the Survey Ranking from day one.
Tip: Do you want to find participants faster? Then ask your friends, family members and colleagues if they would like to earn points for you as Research Enthusiasts.
More attention for your study
Our recommendations for posting your study on social media
Step 1: Join our Survey Groups on Social Media
Step 2: Post your study in the groups:
Step 3: Post your study outside the groups:
Step 4 (Insider tip): To make your study stand out even more, you can insert our free social media images in your posts (see examples on Twitter and Instagram). In order for us to create a free set of images for you, you will need to participate in at least one other survey through SurveyCircle and redeem the associated Survey Code. If you don't receive the images by email within 24 hours even though your study is online and you have redeemed at least one Survey Code, please check your spam folder.
Step 5 (Secret insider tip): Once you have participated in at least one study through SurveyCircle, you will automatically benefit from these additional advantages:
Step 2: Post your study in the groups:
- Insert the original link to your study and the SurveyCircle link to your study in your posts. You can find the SurveyCircle link under My Survey as soon as your study is online on SurveyCircle.
- Tag @SurveyCircle in your posts.
Step 3: Post your study outside the groups:
- For best visibility, you should also post your study outside of groups, e.g. on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
- We also recommend inserting the original link and the SurveyCircle link to your study in your posts and tagging us with @SurveyCircle.
Step 4 (Insider tip): To make your study stand out even more, you can insert our free social media images in your posts (see examples on Twitter and Instagram). In order for us to create a free set of images for you, you will need to participate in at least one other survey through SurveyCircle and redeem the associated Survey Code. If you don't receive the images by email within 24 hours even though your study is online and you have redeemed at least one Survey Code, please check your spam folder.
Step 5 (Secret insider tip): Once you have participated in at least one study through SurveyCircle, you will automatically benefit from these additional advantages:
- We'll post your study on Twitter and Reddit
- We'll send your study to 10,000+ subscribers of our New Studies Newsletter
- We'll present your study on the SurveyCircle micropage of your university and your university's city (only possible if you're conducting an academic study and your university is listed here)
Join our social media groups
Here's a selection of our English-language social media groups for sharing surveys.
- LinkedIn | Survey Exchange
- WhatsApp | Survey Exchange
- Facebook | Survey Sharing
- Facebook | Dissertation Survey Exchange
- Facebook | Survey Exchange
- Reddit | r/SurveyCircle
- Twitter/X | SampleSize
- Twitter/X | Research
- Discord | SurveyCircle's Discord Server
→ List of ALL survey exchange groups on social media
→ List of all SurveyCircle social media channels
The Basic Rules on SurveyCircle
- Rule #1: Fill out all questionnaires truthfully and conscientiously (i.e. take your time to fully comprehend questions and possible answers, to read scenario descriptions, to fill in text fields, etc.).
- Rule #2: Participate in studies only when you meet the participation criteria.
- Rule #3: Redeem Survey Codes only if you have earned them in compliance with the rules.
- Rule #4: Redeem Survey Codes directly after completing a study.
- Rule #5: Rate the quality of studies objectively and in a differentiated way.
- Rule #6: Do not share Survey Codes with others.
- Rule #7: Do not use multiple user accounts.
- Rule #8: Do not let anyone use your user account to participate in studies.
- Rule #9: Do not use rule violations by others to your advantage.
SurveyCircle is based on honest mutual support. To protect this basic principle, we use quality assurance systems that enable us to reliably identify rule violations. Those who break the rules and thereby act at the expense of others will be excluded from the platform.